Monday, June 29, 2009
If you need to get in touch with the East Tennessee Intergroup Central office our phone number is : 865-974-9888 or you can send us an email at
If you think you have a problem with alcohol you can call our Hotline at 865-522-9667
A meeting schedule and further information about A.A. in East Tennessee can be found at:
I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.
Bridging the Gap
How do I know he left the commitment to you? That is the answer you have to give...
District 50/51
Wayne W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer
Jim R read the Traditions
Motion made to accpet previous month’s minutes. Motion passed.
Jim R read the District financial report
Mike gave the Intergroup report. Supplies are being exhausted quickly and he isn’t able to restock at this time. Intergroup is in need of donations. Doris has resumed the Hotline Coordinator position. Call her or Pete O’N. if you would like to help.
Assembly Info – The next Assembly will be in Murphreesboro July 17-19. The State Convention will be held at the Glenstone Lodge in Gatlinburg Sept 4-6. The group rate has been extended throughout the Labor Day weekend.
CPC – Gordon said Macy will give to him the information she has.
No Archives report
Corrections – George has applications for correspondance. The next Corrections Committee meeting will be this Thursday and every first Thursday of every month 6:30PM at the Flatiron.
Grapevine had no report
Treatment – Chuck said the books have been picked up and delivered and he thanked the District for the funds to buy them. Wayne asked about the situation with Serene Manor and Chuck said there has been no word yet.
Old Business
Still in need of Grapevine donations for Treatment and Corrections.
New Business
Chuck asked if financially Intergroup would be able to function through the summer. Mike said probably. The 5:30 Unity Group is now meeting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday per their groups conscience agreement. The meeting schedule now on weekends are as follows:
New Beginnings
Saturday 9:00AM – 10:30
Sunday 9:30 – 10:30AM
Speaker meeting is on the last Thursday of every month and is also birthday night. This is the only speaker meeting help at the Flatiron.
The Upper Room as started a book study meeting Wednesday evenings at 7:30.
7th Tradition hat was passed and $12 was collected.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Submitted with love by:
Gina M.
Chairman's Message
July Birthdays
July Birthdays
Surrender to Win
Terry G 30
Dottie S 32
Chris B 7
Jody B 19
Erin H 18
Monroe County
Jim L. - 16 yrs
Jimmy Carter
Monroe County