Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Tradition 3 : The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.

If you need to get in touch with the East Tennessee Intergroup Central office our phone number is : 865-974-9888 or you can send us an email at etiaa@msn.com.

If you think you have a problem with alcohol you can call our Hotline at 865-522-9667

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.


Seymour Group Men's Retreat
April 29 to May 2nd.
Cost $75.00 contact
Mike R 865-607-1374 0r
Darryl 865-310-2679.

1st Quarter Assembly
2011 in Knoxville. See
your GSR for more
information on Volunteering.

Don't forget San Antonio

District 50/51

District 50/51 Meeting
Meeting was held Feb 1 2010
at Flatiron
Darlene called meeting to order.
Reports were given by Michael
East TN Intergroup, Corrections
by David And Grapevines.
John W is looking for help
with the 2011 January Assembly
to be held in Knoxville,
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday
of each month at the Flatiron
staring at 6:30.
Gsr's are asked to emphasize the
importance of this event
and ask group members to
participate in making it a success.
Next GSR group rep meeting will
be Monday March 1st 6:30 at the

Intergroup Minutes

The February meeting was
not held because of illness.
Next meeting will be on
Sunday March 7th at
the Rockford Fellowship
hall at 1:15. Please be there
as we will be working on
the 12 step list.

Chairman's Message

Going to San Antonio? This is what is going on.

Registration: Wed thru Fri 8AM till 8PM. Sat 8AM till 6PM.
All registration will be at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.

Party in the Park Thursday July 1st from 8PM till midnight.

Marathon Meetings begin at midnight on Thursday and run around
the clock till Sunday morning.

Meetings at convention center - Friday and Saturday 9AM till 5PM

BIG MEETINGS: At the Alamodome Fri. and Sat. 8PM till 10PM
Flag Ceremony before Big Meeting on Friday. Sat. old timers meeting
with 40 or more years Sobriety

Closing Meeting Sunday 9AM to 11AM.

If you have not made plans to attend it is not to late. Talk to your GSR
for more information.

As other informationbecomes available I will keep you informed.

Peter O'N.

March Birthdays

Tellico Village
Jim P. 14 yrs

Surrender to Win
Johnell J. 20 yrs

Blount 12 Step Group
Kristina R. 5 yrs

Seymour group
Cortney L 1 yr
Kristy 1 yr
Norm H 3 yrs

Monroe County
Todd V. 12 yrs