Saturday, July 24, 2010


Tradition Eight: Alchoholics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

If you need to get in touch with the East Tennessee Intergroup Central office our phone number is : 865-974-9888 or you can send us an email at

If you think you have a problem with alcohol you can call our Hotline at 865-522-9667

A meeting schedule and further information about A.A. in East Tennessee can be found at:

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.

Intergroup Meeting.

The next meeting of East Tennessee Intergroup will be held on Sunday August 1st at 1 P. M. sharp at the Rockford Fellowship Hall, upstairs. This meeting will be open to ALL members of Alcoholics Anonymous who want to attend.

We will be discussing changes to the hotline and bulletin. If your group does not have someone there your opinion will not be heard!

Chairman's Message

I was one of about 50,000 members at the International Convention in San Antonio. What an uplifting event! Planning ahead for 2015 for the next International Convention in Atlanta Georgia. Plenty of time to start saving. $5.00 a week will get you $1,300. What a great honor again to be a greeter at the meetings: can't get away from doing service work.

In speaking with other people one theme ran thru almost every conversation. What has happened to the Spirit of Volunteering for Service work in Alcoholics Anonymous? Hotlines are being forced to curtail hours or in some cases close down. Reason being - no volunteers. Group donations in most areas are down some as much as 70%. Programs in Correctional Institutions,
treatment Facilities, and Inter groups are being curtailed - no Volunteers!

We want the hand of AA always to be their but we cannot do it unless we give back what was so
freely given to us.

Our Declaration of Unity:

This we owe to A. A.'s future
To place our common welfare first;
To keep our fellowship united.
For on A. A. unity depend our lives;
And the lives of those to come.

Am I doing my part? Am I volunteering? Am I getting my Sponsees and Group involved in our future?

Do not rest on your laurels!

Peter O'N.

August Birthdays

Surrender to win

Jennifer p 1 yr
Jody B 20 yrs
Terry K. 31 yrs
Dottie S. 33 yrs

Bud H. 27 yrs

Glenda B. 2 yrs
Roger H. 8 yrs

Seymour Sharing

Jenifer W. 3 yrs
J. J. 3 yrs
Larry G. 10 yrs

Tellico Village
Peter M. 4 yrs
George C. 23 yrs

Blount County Group
August Birthdays

Pat F. 5 yrs
Bob W. 5 yrs
Jerry M. 7 yrs
Mike H. 7 yrs
Roger H. 8 yrs
Craig V. 18 yrs
Frank E. 22 yrs

July 2010

Nick 7/6 1 year
Brian W. 7/10 1 year
Luther P. 7/4/92 18 years
Don C. 7/4/92. 18 years
Jody R. 7/16/2008 2 years
Debbie 7/7/2003 7 years
Rick W. 7/18/2007 3 years
Duane J. 7/10/1987 23 years
Carla Ann L. 7/25/07

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Tradition Seven: Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

If you need to get in touch with the East Tennessee Intergroup Central office our phone number is : 865-974-9888 or you can send us an email at

If you think you have a problem with alcohol you can call our Hotline at 865-522-9667

A meeting schedule and further information about A.A. in East Tennessee can be found at:

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.

Chairman's Message

Whenever anyone reaches out for help I want the hand of AA always to be there.

This is the Basis of our 12 Traditions (to make sure AA survives.)

Our 7th Tradition deals with our Finances. We are self supporting through our own contributions.

These contributions, which come mainly from Our Group meetings, keep AA always there. From these contributions we not only support our Home Groups but also our General Service Office, our District General Service, our Area and our Intergroup Office.

It is important and neceesary that regular contributions are made to these groups. Without finances to run them AA can fail. While I know the economy is tight at this time I also know that we need Our Fellowship to survive.

Please make sure your Group is sending regular contributions.

Peter O'N.

See you in San Antonio!!!

July Birthdays and Group Annoucements

Blount County Group
Delbert (Bud) H 27 yrs
Craig C 18 yrs
Ron H 31 yrs

Telico Village Group
Tonto 10 yrs
Bill M. 25 yrs

Seymour Sharing Group
Margaret M. 18 yrs
Valerie 28 yrs

Monroe County Group

Jim M. 27 yrs
Bill H. 17 yrs


Jim L. 17 yrs

Rockford AA Fellowship
Birthdays June 2010
Lisa S. 6/2/09 1 year
Sharon S. 6/6/09 1 year
Larry B. 6/7/09 1 year
Mara N. 6/10/06 4 years
Jeanmaire 6/12/?? No Report
Mitch H. 6/13/09 1 year
Rodney H. 6/26/79 31 years
Sheila P. 6/30/96 14 years

Group Annoucements

Monroe County Picnic will be held Saturday, July 10th at Fort Loudon State Park in Vonore. Group supplies food, bring a chair and lots of friends out for some great fellowship! Starts around 8 AM and runs till 2PM.

Etowah and Benton

The Third Saturday of the Month








In Athens, Hwy 30 to N at Eastanallee
(alongside the big Baptist Church),
go past Mayfield’s buildings and truck parking lot and
make a right on Slack and then quick left into the park.
Bear to your right to the picnic pavilion.

Athens Group - Support Needed
The Athens Group is looking for people to chair meetings and to help set up and tear down meetings. You don't need to be a member of the group to help out. Meetings are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at #1 Long Street in downtown Athens.