It is never to early to plan ahead. Last year in Feb. we started preparing for the South East Regional Forum held in Nov. Before we knew it was over.
We can plan ahead this year for 2 events.
The 1st would be the 75th International Convention to be held in San Antonio, Texas, July 4th weekend 2010. Yes, 2010. Long way off - however, Our General Service Office will be reserving rooms starting in August this year and since their are only 35,000 available you better plan early.
Our 2nd event is the Tennessee State Convention hosted by District 4. Your Convention will be held Sept. 4 - Sept. 6 (Labor Day Weekend) at the Glenstone Lodge in Gatlinburg.
For more information on this event see your Group G. S. R. or contact Holly at 865-681-6426 or Debbie 865-696-9162.
Don't be shut out of either of these events.
Peter O'n.