District 50/51 Representative Meeting
August 3, 2009
John W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer
Gordon read the Traditions
Jim R gave the District financial report
The previous month’s minutes were accepted with the following correction which is an apology from the Secretary. The Treatment Chairman’s name is Ruth, not Reba as noted. I am very, very sorry Ruth.
Mike gave the Intergroup report
Doris stepped down as the Hotline Coordinator and Kathy B has taken over. All shifts are filled. The Bridging the Gap program is trying to be started up again and it was asked for all to go back to their groups to let them know. The next Intergroup meeting will be in September at the Convention which will be held Labor Day weekend..
The next Assembly will be in Nashville Oct 9-11. It will be a long one. It will be held at the Maxwell House Motel. All GSR’s need to get their paperwork done and turned in so they will be ready for January. The theme will be Service. All groups need to elect their GSR’s in September. Group change forms available online at www.area64assembly.org. We will host the 2011 1st Quarter Assembly at the Crowne Plaza. John W will make copies of all the stuff from the last Assembly we had hosted and send that in. The numbers for reservations for the State Convention are 1-800-457-4460 and 1-615-259-4343
CPC had no report
Archives had no report
Corrections – George said the Corrections Committee meeting time has changed to 7PM. It is still at the Flatiron the 1st Thursday of every month. He thanked Mike for getting that put into the Newsletter. There is to be a workshop in Gallatin. Women are still trying to get approval to go into the Detention Facility. The workshop will be held August 14-16.
Grapevine – Please keep on collecting old Grapevines to donate to Treatment and Corrections. If possible, buy a subscription it is a great magazine.
Treatment – Ruth – She needs volunteers to speak on Friday nights and would like to get a list of contact people. Her telephone number is 301-7889.
Old Business
Wayne said he talked to some folks about the Prudent Reserve and they all said basically the same thing. Be careful where the money is spent or groups will stop sending. At least ¾ of the group should be in agreeance. District can help groups but not with rent or coffee. The groups should be sending representatives to each District meeting.
New Business
George requested $250 to attend the workshop. The motion was made and seconded. The motion passed
Motion to adjourn and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Submitted with love by
Gina M.