District 50/51 Representative Meeting
September 14, 2009
John W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer
Gordon read the Traditions
Introductions were done
Jim R was absent so there was no District financial report
Previous months minutes were accepted as written
Mike gave the Intergroup report. Financially the office is doing ok but could always use donations. All hotline shifts are filled. There may be an opening at some point. The hotline coordinator is Kathy K not Kathy B as was written in the previous months minutes. The Westminster Group has changed its name to the Lakeshore Group.
4th Quarter Assembly will be held Oct 9-11. Jim R is the contact person. The number to possibly get a last minute reservation is (615) 390-9854. More structure changes will be discussed. This is a voting Assembly, so will be a long one.
CPC/PI – Gordon said he called Macy and they will be getting together so he can get the information she has.
No Archives report
Corrections – George said that Ken and David went to the workshop. Debbie is the new CFC chair. Treatment and Bridging the Gap programs were discussed. George stressed the importance of a newly released inmate attend their first AA meeting within 24 hours. When this happens there is an 85% recovery rate. Ways to handle problems in meetings were discussed. The next meeting of the Corrections Committee will be October 1st 6:30PM at the Flatiron. It is still the 1st Thursday of each month. George has applications and correspondence information. There is no more jail correspondence. Only prisons are eligible.
Grapevine – Keep collecting Grapevines for Corrections and Treatment. If possible buy a subscription it is a great magazine.
Treatment – Need speakers for the Friday night meetings.
No old business
New business
Elections were held and results are as follows:
District 50 nominees:
Darlene who accepted and was elected DCM
.Gordon who was elected Alternate DCM. They will take office in January.
District 51 nominees
Kelly who accepted and was elected Alternate DCM.
John B who accepted and was elected Alternate DCM They will take office in January
Wayne said the new DCM’s will start a Committee for the 2011 1st Quarter Assembly to be hosted here in Knoxville and held at the Crowne Plaza. John W has the information from the last Assembly we hosted and will pass it on.
Flatiron is now open 7 days a week all day.
Motion to adjourn and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Submitted with love by
Gina M.