District 50/51 Representative Meeting
October 5, 2009 6:30 PM
John W. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Gordon read the 12 Traditions. Introductions were made.
The previous month’s minutes were accepted with the following correction: Kelly was nominated and elected District 51 DCM, not alternate as was written.
Treasurer’s Report: was read and accepted as written. John W. said there are currently three signatures for the account, but that we should have a fourth person. A new treasurer is to be elected in January. A motion was made that John continue as acting treasurer until a new treasurer is elected in January. Motion carried. A motion was made that Darlene write out a check to John for the assembly, to be signed by John (so he wouldn’t have to write a check to himself). Motion carried.
A check in the amount of $250 was written for the previous District 50 DCM to go to the 3rd quarter assembly, but she was unable to attend. The check has not been cashed. Darlene made a motion that John W. call Pam to see if she still has the check, and if not, to stop payment on the check. The motion carried.
Intergroup Report: Mike gave the intergroup report. Intergroup received enough donations to pay this month’s bills and to keep up the chips supply, but will run out of books soon. The hotline is still full. Mike said that John S., a long time hotline volunteer, passed away recently.
The prudent reserve is at approximately $4,200.
Assembly Info: 4th Quarter Voting Assembly will be held in Nashville October 9-11.
Corrections: George (521-6698) gave the Corrections report. Corrections Committee met Thurs., Oct. 1 at 6:30 PM at the Flatiron and discussed needs for literature in the future. Grapevines and other donations are always appreciated. When the women’s meeting starts, they will need to make a literature request. The women have been approved, and are working to bring 2 meetings a week to the women in jail. The men’s meeting is on Mondays at 7:00. Applications are available for men and women at the committee meeting the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 at the Flatiron. Correspondence forms are also available.
Annual Volunteer Orientation meeting Thursday, Oct. 8 at 7:00 PM at Maloneyville Road location.
Treatment: Ruth gave the TC report. Gave Grapevines to Serenity House Recovery Center for Men (on Magnolia Avenue). The Serenity House needs literature. Ruth requested a donation of Big Books and 12/12's from District 50/51 for the Serenity House. Wayne made a motion to give TC $100 to buy 5 Big Books and 5 12/12's to donate to the Serenity House Recovery Center for Men with the stipulation that the books stay at the Serenity House. George seconded the motion. Motion carried. If you want to help carry the AA message to alcoholics who are in treatment, hospitals, and halfway houses in our district, please contact Ruth at 310-7889. If you know of a treatment facility in our district that needs help obtaining AA literature, information, meetings, speakers, etc., please let her know.
Grapevine: No Grapevine report. John W. reminded everyone to save their old Grapevines and bring them to the next meeting so they can be donated to Corrections and Treatment.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Motion to adjourn. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next Group Rep meeting: Monday, Nov. 2 at 6:30 PM at the Flatiron.
Submitted by Ruth P.