District 50/51 Representative Meeting
December 7, 2009 6:30 PM
John W. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Wayne read the 12 Traditions. Introductions were made. John W. expressed his appreciation for letting him serve as DCM.
The previous month’s minutes were read by all and accepted as written.
District Financial Report: John W. gave the report. A motion was made to pay $70 to renew the district’s P.O. box for another year. Motion carried.
Intergroup Report: Mike gave the intergroup report. Overall, Intergroup received $2,917.90 and paid out $2,541.39. The checking balance is $1,690.19. The savings balance is $5,759.24.
There is a Hotline opening on Monday from 5:00-10:00. Call Mike (at intergroup) or Kathy (256-6127) to volunteer.
Assembly Info: 1st Quarter Voting Assembly will be held in Memphis January 8-10, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Select Memphis Airport (call 901-332-1130 or 800-465-4329 to make reservations. Hotel code: L51). Cut off for reservations is January 6, 2010.
Dave said that anybody who wants to carpool to the assembly with him can call him at 865-566-3078.
CPC/PI: Gordon gave the report. He has been exploring the possibility of getting a canned PSA that we can get from GSO for free to put on channel 12 or 20. The PSA may include the meeting schedule.
Corrections: David H., the new corrections chair, gave the report. The committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 at the Flatiron.
Treatment: Ruth gave the TC report. Gordon (CPC/PI) and Ruth will schedule a committee meeting in January.
Richard brought Grapevines to donate to treatment. Thank you, Richard!
New Business: Wayne said he has enjoyed serving over the past 10-12 years. He encouraged the new committee chairpersons to vounteer in January to continue to serve. He thanked John for his service.
First Quarter Assembly 2011: John W. said that district 50/51 (Knoxville) got the bid to host this assembly. Voted to meet on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 at the Flatiron. We’ll elect officers at the first meeting on Jan. 21, 2010 at 6:30. Everyone is encouraged to attend and help plan the assembly. Any AA member is eligible and encouraged to serve.
Richard said Northside Group is having a Candlelight memorial meeting Dec. 24 at 10:00 pm to remember those who have passed away in the last year. If you have the name of someone, call Flat Iron, and they will add the person’s name to the list.
7th tradition was passed. Motion to adjourn. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next Group Rep meeting: Monday, Jan. 4 at 6:30 PM at the Flatiron.
Submitted by Ruth P.