Saturday, January 23, 2010

District 50/51

District 50/51 Representative Meeting
January 4, 2010 6:30 PM
Darlene opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Gordon read the 12 Traditions.
The previous month’s minutes were read by all and accepted as written.
District Financial Report: John W. gave the report. Paid $70 to renew P.O. Box rental. Voted to approve the financial report. John W. said the district now pays the Alano Club $12.50/month to rent the space for the monthly district rep meeting instead of passing the hat each month and paying that amount to the Alano Club. John W. had $27 from past 7th traditions and asked what should be done with that money. John A. said that the district body is supported by the groups it serves, that the groups decide how much money the district body should have, and that the groups determine how the district gets and uses money. Gordon made a motion to deposit the $27 into the district checking account. Motion was seconded and approved.
A check in the amount of $250 was written for the previous District 50 DCM to go to the 3rd quarter assembly, but she was unable to attend. John W. tore up the check that had been written to pay for Pam’s assembly expenses that she didn’t end up needing.
Intergroup Report: Mike gave the intergroup report. Since group donations to Intergroup have been down for the past year, Intergroup has not been able to stock as much literature inventory as it used to.
There is a Hotline opening every other Saturday from 1:00-5:00. Call Mike (at intergroup) or Kathy (256-6127) to volunteer.
Assembly Info: 1st Quarter Voting Assembly in Memphis January 8-10, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Select Memphis Airport.
January 2011 Assembly in Knoxville: Assembly committee will start meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month. First meeting Thurs., Jan. 21, 2010 at 6:30 pm at the Flatiron. Need volunteers to help form committees for registration, coffee, flyers, banner, hospitality, speaker, fundraisers, seed money from Area 64, Reports for Assembly and Convention committee and Area 64 business meeting, treasurer, theme, hotel liaison, disc jockey if there’s a dance, agenda, taper for business meetings, secretary, raffle baskets if we do a raffle, chairperson/liaison.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and help plan the assembly. Any AA member is eligible and encouraged to serve.
CPC/PI: Gordon gave the report. He’s working to get PSA from GSO for free to put on channel 12 or 20. The PSA may include the meeting schedule.
CPC/PI/Treatment Committees will meet Thurs., Jan. 7 at 10:30 am at St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Corrections: David H. gave the report. The committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 at the Flatiron, and they need volunteers -- see David for paperwork (740-6650).
Treatment: Gordon (CPC/PI) and Ruth (TC) are meeting Jan. 7 at 10:30 at St. John’s.
Richard brought Grapevines to donate to treatment. Thank you, Richard!
New Business: Elections Results: Treasurer - John W., Secretary - Pam M., CPC/PI - Gordon, Corrections - David, Grapevine - Dennis, Treatment – Ruth, Events – Dennis. Need an Archives Chair.
John W. – next time need to discuss updating the list of signatures for district bank account
David made a motion to increase the assembly travel allowance for DCMs by $30 (from $250 to $280) for this (Memphis) assembly only. Motion approved.
7th tradition was not passed. Motion to adjourn. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next Group Rep meeting: Monday, Feb. 1st at 6:30 PM at the Flatiron.
Submitted by Ruth P.