District 50/51 Representative Meeting
April 5, 2010 6:30 PM
Darlene opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. The Secretary was absent, so Ruth took minutes. Gordon read the 12 Traditions. Introductions were made. The previous month’s minutes were read by all, and it was noted that the minutes should have mentioned that Michelle, who works at the sheriff’s office and is the contact for AA’s coming into the jail, is also an AA member and is really working hard to get us in!
District Financial Report: John W. gave the report. He said that we now have some money for the assembly host committee. He explained that the two separate entities – the District and the Assembly Host Committee – are using the same bank account. Since in the past there have been some problems with treasurers, John said he will be bringing the books with the bank statements to each district meeting so anyone can look at them. This will help provide extra accountability and help keep the treasurer honest.
Intergroup Report: Mike gave the report. There were 5 newsletter subscription renewals, and he purchased about $1,100 worth of books to restock the supply. All the hotline shifts are currently full.
Assembly Info: The 3rd Quarter Area 64 Assembly will be in Oak Ridge July 23-25, 2010 at the Doubletree hotel. Rooms are $96/night plus tax. All this information is available on the Area 64 website www.area64assembly.org
January 2011 Assembly in Knoxville:
Darlene attended the 2nd Quarter Assembly in Chattanooga March 19-21, and the assembly body approved the flyer and agendas (in English and Spanish) for the 1st Quarter 2011 assembly, which will be hosted by District 50/51.
John A. gave the Host Committee Report: The biggest expenses for hosting the assembly are food and coffee. He encouraged everyone to see if their home groups want to help by providing a meal Friday evening or Saturday night – it’s a great way to get involved. Any group contributions the host committee are welcomed – be sure to write “1st Quarter Assembly” in the memo line on checks for group contributions.
Assembly committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Flatiron. Need volunteers to help form committees for registration, coffee, flyers, banner, hospitality, speaker, fundraisers, seed money from Area 64, Reports for Assembly and Convention committee and Area 64 business meeting, treasurer, theme, hotel liaison, disc jockey if there’s a dance, agenda, taper for business meetings, secretary, raffle baskets if we do a raffle, chairperson/liaison.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and help plan the assembly. Any AA member is eligible and encouraged to serve.
Highnooners group has volunteered to provide a meal at the assembly.
Archives: No report. If you are interested in serving as the archives chair, come to the May District meeting.
CPC/PI: Gordon gave the report. The workshop in March was a great success. Gordon has responded to a request for information about AA from a doctor’s group. He has a team of 5 AA members who are preparing to give talks to professionals about AA. The committee will meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month starting in May.
Corrections: David gave the report. There are currently 3 applications pending. The jail would like AA to start doing meetings at the treatment pod too, and we’ll need more volunteers to do that. A motion was made and approved to write a check for $250 to send Ken and George to the corrections workshop in Gallatin.
Grapevine/Events: Dennis gave the report. There will be a 3-month long grapevine subscription drive starting in June to raise awareness and subscriptions. The Grapevine committee took some more old Grapevines with AA meeting schedules inside them to professional buildings to put in the waiting rooms. Come find out what the grapevine is, what it does, and how you can help on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Flat Iron. To get involved with the Grapevine or Events committees, email dennisoxner@yahoo.com.
Dennis presented an idea for a district event, where we could invite the past delegates who live nearby to come talk about service and eat dinner.
Treatment: The workshop was a great success, and several people volunteered to help
carry the AA message to alcoholics who are in treatment by telling their story at Cornerstone.
Old Business: None.
New Business: John W. thanked the committee chairs for being active in service and for being prepared and giving reports.
Group news and Announcements: The Serenity Group in Fountain City has a new meeting on Saturday nights at 8:00 p.m. (closed discussion). There is also a new Big Book Study on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 a.m. till noon at Christ United Methodist Church on Maynardville Hwy.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Next Group Rep meeting: Monday, May 3rd at 6:30 PM at the Flatiron.
Submitted by Ruth P.