When it comes to carrying the A.A. message, Dr. Silkworth states in "The Doctor's Opinion" in the Big Book, "The message which can interest and hold these alcoholic people must have depth and weight. In nearly all cases their ideals must be grounded in a power greater than themselves, if they are to re-create their lives." This "message" is most effective when delivered is such a manner that a still suffering alcoholic of whatever description (whether a prospect, newcomer, or veteran member) may have an opportunity to make an accurate identification of their problem depth) and have made known to them a solution for that problem (weight). In fact, any sober A.A. can effectively "carry the message" when asked to speak at an A.A. meeting provided they have "taken the steps" of Alcoholics Anonymous and follow a few simple suggestions:
1) Dress appropriately, respectfully; be on time, introduce yourself an as alcoholic (only), avoid the use of multiple identification; extend thanks, gratitude.
2) Greet the newcomers and invite them into the fellowship of A.A., citing something of a positive nature directed towards them from the Big Book which extends a warm welcome to all.
3) Share a brief overview of your family background (in a very general way) prior to drinking.
4) Describe your first drinking experience whereby you realized the effect produced by alcohol.
5) Relate pertinent elements of "The Doctor's Opinion" as you share your drinking history/experience.
6) Share your drinking history as it exemplifies the progressive nature of the illness of alcoholism as outlined in the basic text of A.A. (To avoid confusing and/or alienating newcomers, respect A.A.'s "singleness of purpose." Minimize historical accounting of problems other than alcohol; i.e., drug addiction, use, compulsive overeating, the child within, being a victim, etc., as we want them to primarily identify with the progression of alcoholism.)
7) Side-step the use of vulgar and obscene language while sharing as we are a program of attraction and that is surely a distraction and it presents a negative community image of our A.A. way of life to those "outside" who may be visiting with us to learn about alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous.
8) Describe the events surrounding your hitting bottom and what led you to A.A., to your Home Group and to your Sponsor.
9) Share your experience in a general way of "taking the Steps."
10) Mention your experience with service work and working with others and the benefits you realized as a result thereof.
11) Share your personal experience resulting from developing a personal relationship with God, as you understand God.
12) Summarize your pitch; invite newcomers to join us on the "Road of Happy Destiny"; thank those who invited you and close-on time.
These 12 suggestions were derived from listening to, identifying and outlining the similarities of structure, content and order (of delivery) of the talks of our beloved carriers of the A.A. message, and can be reconciled with The Doctor's Opinion and the first 164 pages of the Big Book. Also, it's always a good idea to be genuine and enthusiastic.The above are thoughts and opinions of others. They do not speak for or represent the A.A. Fellowship.An indignant dowager comes upon a very tired and very drunk on the street. She says to him, "If I were in your condition I would shoot myself!" He hiccups back, "If you were in my condition, lady, you'd miss!"
Always Say A Prayer