Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chairman's Message and Intergroup Meeting

Reminder the next Inter group meeting is NOV. 7th - 1PM at the Rockford Fellowship Hall

Check out the on-line edition at and be sure to send me your e-mail address so that you will be on our notification list if your not on it now.


The hot weather is behind us. The leaves have turned their fall colors' and are now falling. The seasons have changed. We are looking forward to a new horizon. A new time of year. A new reason to remember what the past was like and what changes have come to our lives as a result of the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. Do we express our gratitude every day?

No matter what happens in our life, if we don't drink as a result of it (good or bad) we should remember that gratitude with acceptance is the key to our sobriety.

Are we doing all we can to show are Gratitude or are we just skating along letting the other guy do the work? In every region our Central Offices are in need of volunteers to cover the HOT-LINES. Are you showing your GRATITUDE by volunteering for this service work in your area?

We at East Tennessee Intergroup wish every one a Happy and Sober Thanksgiving.
Peter O.