Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Tradition 4 : Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.

If you need to get in touch with the East Tennessee Intergroup Central office our phone number is : 865-974-9888 or you can send us an email at 

If you think you have a problem with alcohol you can call our 
Hotline at 

A meeting schedule and further information about A.A. in East Tennessee can be found at:

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.

Hotline Coordinator

After many  years of coordinating
the Hot-Line phone, Doris would 
like to step down.

We are looking for someone to
Assume this position.

This is the most important 12 Step
Work that I can think of. Are you
ready to step up?

Contact me at my e-mail and
I will brief you on the job function.

  Waiting to hear from you

 Peter O'N.

Chairman's Message

We are trying to carry out our 5th Tradition. In doing
this we need your help. One of the programs that has
gone by the wayside is the Bridging The Gap Program. 
We are trying to reestablish it. All we needis for a couple of our members to step up and volunteer for the committee working on it. Can't you give 2 hours a month to help us? I hear all these great things at Meetings but i don't see the effort being put forth. Contact me if you can give your time to give back what you were given so freely. You don't have to be a GSR or Inter-group Rep - Just someone who cares.
The State convention will bring together AA'S from all over Area
64 - will you be there? Labor Day Weekend. See your GENERAL SERVICE or INTER-GROUP REPRESENTATIVES for more information.

Have you signed up for our newsletter on-line? If not contact me and I will let you know when it is posted.
Is your Inter-Group Rep carrying the message toyour group? If not WHY?!

Our 7th Tradition tells us that we are self supporting. With this in mind many Groups chose to make Quarterly Contributions to Inter-Group. Has your Group contributed this Quarter? When was your Groups last contribution?
Visit us on line for current
information at
                    Peter O'N.

Intergroup Minutes

Meeting was held at Rockford Fellowship Hall.

Opened at 1:30 with Serenity Prayer.

Old Business:

Bridging The Gap co-chairs discussed ideas
for implementing program by Sept. 2009:

 1. Are looking for committee members
 from East TN. area.

 2. Trying to visualize areas to get it

 3. Anyone can be part of committee
         just contact Peter O'Neill Intergroup

Went over format for birthdays at Groups
discretion (4th Tradition). Format =
name actual sober date # years. Also
when group celebrates birthdays.
We will publish birthdays for the
current month of newsletter again
4th tradition or previous month;
New business:
Ben gave report on on-line web site
hits. Average of 3  or better a day,
from all over country.
We will check with Area 64 to see
if they can link up to our Web page.
Pete gave financial information and
how our money is budgeted.
Ben brought up subject of GSO
birthday envelopes. Pete advised
how they worked and would contact
GSO to get a supply.
State Convention was discussed
and Pete advised Rep that their
would be a workshop on Inter-
Group and that Groups may
want to pay for cost to send
their Representatives to the
State Convention.
Representatives voted to
hold next meeting April 5th
at Rockford 2 P. M.
Meeting adjourned with
Lord's Prayer at 2:35



                                                    DENNIS SHIPMAN

                                                  UPPER ROOM GROUP

                                                     JAN 16TH 2009



“Lord, make me a channel of thy peace- that where there is hatred, I may bring love- that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness- that where there is discord, I may bring harmony- that where there is error, I may bring truth- that where there is doubt, I may bring faith- that where there is despair, I may bring hope- that where there is shadows, I may bring light- that where there is sadness, I may bring Joy ,  Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted- to understand, than to be understood- to love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen.”



                    FEBURARY , MARCH, APRIL  2009 

ROCKFORD                                        NORTHSTATION

FEB.  ROBBI N   2 YRS                        DAVE       3 YRS

         BETH M   1 YR                           JERRY      1 YR

MAR.   JIM P   13 YRS 

BLOUNT CO GROUP                         TELLICO VILLAGE

GINGER C   04/2007   2 YR                CARL N  04/10/08   1 YR

DAVID C   04/1997    12 YRS

MAX J   04/1992         17 YRS

STEVE H   04/1989     20 YRS 

                                    OAK RIDGE

MARCH                                               APRIL

NICOLA L    1 YR                               CHARLOTTE C   4/23/07  2 YR

DONALD B   1 YR                              DON L   4/28/97     12 YRS

KERRY C     1 YR                                CHARLES R   4/8/59     50 YRS


TROY S   2YRS                                   

MARK L   4 YRS  










Todd V. - 11yrs

District 50/51

District 50/51 Representatives Meeting

March 2, 2009 

John W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer

Wayne read the Traditions

Introductions were done

Jim R gave the financial report

Mike gave the Intergroup report

Assembly Information – The 2nd Quarter Assembly will be April 3-5 in Murfreesboro at the Clariton Hotel

No CPC or PI reports – Positions not currently filled

Archives – John Mc – He and Keith are planning to get a group of oldtimers to interview at one time.  They are doing a group history.

Correction – George – All men are taken care of as far as meetings go. Not sure about the women.  He said they are canceling all the women’s programs until further notice.  The Corrections Committee meets every first Thursday of every month 6:30PM at the Flatiron.  Applications will be available.  There will be a workshop this weekend in Gallatin.  Contact George (521-6698) for more information.  The Correspondence program is through GSO.

Treatment – Chuck – February is covered by the Steps House.  March has openings for speakers.  He went to Serene Manor and they definitely want a meeting there.  John has cards with Rita (the contact person).  There is no committee at this time.  Would like to get one together.  Any day would be good for Serene Manor except Tues and Fri.

Old Business


New Business

There won’t be another District meeting until after the Assembly so Wayne moved that the DCM’s be given money to go.  Motion passed.  Gordon said Macy resigned and he is willing to serve as CPC chair.  He was elected.  Please call him (679-5488) if you would like to serve as PI chair.

George requested funds to attend the Corrections Committee and received same.

We need a Grapevine chair.

Jim moved that District pay $12.50 to meet (the same as every other group that meets at the Flatiron).  Wayne seconded.  The motion carried.

Jim moved to adjourn and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted with love by

Gina M.