Wednesday, March 25, 2009

District 50/51

District 50/51 Representatives Meeting

March 2, 2009 

John W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer

Wayne read the Traditions

Introductions were done

Jim R gave the financial report

Mike gave the Intergroup report

Assembly Information – The 2nd Quarter Assembly will be April 3-5 in Murfreesboro at the Clariton Hotel

No CPC or PI reports – Positions not currently filled

Archives – John Mc – He and Keith are planning to get a group of oldtimers to interview at one time.  They are doing a group history.

Correction – George – All men are taken care of as far as meetings go. Not sure about the women.  He said they are canceling all the women’s programs until further notice.  The Corrections Committee meets every first Thursday of every month 6:30PM at the Flatiron.  Applications will be available.  There will be a workshop this weekend in Gallatin.  Contact George (521-6698) for more information.  The Correspondence program is through GSO.

Treatment – Chuck – February is covered by the Steps House.  March has openings for speakers.  He went to Serene Manor and they definitely want a meeting there.  John has cards with Rita (the contact person).  There is no committee at this time.  Would like to get one together.  Any day would be good for Serene Manor except Tues and Fri.

Old Business


New Business

There won’t be another District meeting until after the Assembly so Wayne moved that the DCM’s be given money to go.  Motion passed.  Gordon said Macy resigned and he is willing to serve as CPC chair.  He was elected.  Please call him (679-5488) if you would like to serve as PI chair.

George requested funds to attend the Corrections Committee and received same.

We need a Grapevine chair.

Jim moved that District pay $12.50 to meet (the same as every other group that meets at the Flatiron).  Wayne seconded.  The motion carried.

Jim moved to adjourn and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted with love by

Gina M.