Meeting was held at Rockford Fellowship Hall.
Opened at 1:30 with Serenity Prayer.
Old Business:
Bridging The Gap co-chairs discussed ideas
for implementing program by Sept. 2009:
1. Are looking for committee members
from East TN. area.
2. Trying to visualize areas to get it
3. Anyone can be part of committee
just contact Peter O'Neill Intergroup
Went over format for birthdays at Groups
discretion (4th Tradition). Format =
name actual sober date # years. Also
when group celebrates birthdays.
We will publish birthdays for the
current month of newsletter again
4th tradition or previous month;
New business:
Ben gave report on on-line web site
hits. Average of 3 or better a day,
from all over country.
We will check with Area 64 to see
if they can link up to our Web page.
Pete gave financial information and
how our money is budgeted.
Ben brought up subject of GSO
birthday envelopes. Pete advised
how they worked and would contact
GSO to get a supply.
State Convention was discussed
and Pete advised Rep that their
would be a workshop on Inter-
Group and that Groups may
Group and that Groups may
want to pay for cost to send
their Representatives to the
State Convention.
Representatives voted to
hold next meeting April 5th
at Rockford 2 P. M.
Meeting adjourned with
Lord's Prayer at 2:35