Sunday, April 26, 2009


Tradition FiveEach group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

If you need to get in touch with the East Tennessee Intergroup Central office our phone number is : 865-974-9888 or you can send us an email at 

If you think you have a problem with alcohol you can call our Hotline at 865-522-9667
A meeting schedule and further information about A.A. in East Tennessee can be found at:

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.

Chairman's Message

Are you ready to step forward? We have initiated the Bridging The Gap program. Now we are looking for some good people who are willing to add their name to our contact list. This is not a Hot-Line 12 Step list but only a list to be used as it becomes necessary to match people coming out of Rehab (Treatment) Centers. Contact our committee chair persons to offer your service. Lee T. 865-454-1746 or Karen C. 865-233-3453 or 865-591-9516. 

At this time I would like to express the Gratitude of ALL the  A A members of East Tennessee to Doris S. for all her work in coordinating the hot line. Doris has stepped down as of April 12 and has been replaced by Gina M. (on a temporary basis.)
THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU Doris and thank you Gina for stepping forward to fill the gap. Anybody out their who is willing to be the new permanent coordinator please get in touch with me.
Peter O'N. 

Literature Price Increase

The General Service Office has advised us that they have plans to increase the Price of Our AA literature as of 7-1-09. This price increase will include Big Books as much as $2.00 and 12 & 12's as much as $1.50. Your Intergroup Reps, General Service Reps or your Literature Chair Person can give you more details. Please check with them for more information. 

Thank you,
Peter O'N. - Intergroup chair.

Intergroup Minutes

Old Business
Chairperson for District 64 is trying to arrange link on website for online edition.
*Lee needs more Bridging The Gap fliers.
**Birthday envelopes. Send in a birthday amount to G.S.O.
Go online to get more Bday envelopes. Click on this area to get more. Donation for every year of sobriety that we have.

New Business
*Ben has about 4 hits a day on online newsletter.
**Pete sends out about 63 notices that newsletter is up.
***Price of books is going up on July 1 about $1-2. Groups need to order any AA approved lit now to avoid cost rise.
****Lee suggests we do a percentage mark up. Group decided 10% mark up.
(Recvd By-Laws and will be passing on to Richard B.
*****Lee T. wants "BTG" put in newsletter to attract volunteer help. Need 6mos sobriety to help. 1 year sober to be on committee.
******Hot line is most important thing intergroup does! We need help with this. Pete wants to break the coordinator position into 2 shifts. If you have a shift it is bi-weekly. Contact Pete for all details.
********Hot line needs back-up.
Lots of discussion on how to handle Hot line but no definite solution.

All committees in East TN are to go through DCMs

Birthdays need to be sent into newsletter.

Next meeting May 3 at Rockford

District 50/51

District 50/51

April 6, 2009 

John W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer

George read the Traditions

Jim R read the Treasurers report

Mike gave the financial report for Intergroup.  Doris has stepped down as Hotline Coordinator and Gina has stepped in to fill it until a full time volunteer comes forward.  GSO is raising the price of books and Intergroup prices will increase to reflect that.  Hotline Coordinator job will ideally be split between two people, alternating weekends.  Any questions should be presented to Pete O’N., Intergroup Chair. (566-5293)

Assembly Information – John expressed an amends for not telling District about a CD he had been given containing the agenda items for the upcoming Assembly.  District 9 is hosting the next Assembly which will be held July 17-19 in Murfreesboro.  Anyone who made reservations in Cookeville should call to cancel and make sure to get a cancellation confirmation number.  For information about reservations in Murfreesboro please call (615-896-2420.  To cancel or any other concerns about arrangements for Cookeville, please call (931-526-7125)

CPC/PI – Gordon has taken over as CPC chair and has requested anyone interested in serving as PI please contact him (679-5488)

No Archive report

Corrections – George said Ron and Ken went to the workshop.  He requested for us to go to our groups and ask for possible donations of Big Books.  The treasury is down but that will probably change.  He had been given $250 to attend the workshop and he returned the leftover monies.  The next Corrections Committee meeting will be May 7, at the Flatiron 6:30 PM and every 1st Thursday of every month.  John W suggested we try to get 3 Grapevines from our homegroups to donate and said it is a great way to carry the message.  

Treatment – Ruth came and asked for money to buy some Big Books and 12x12’s for Centerpointe.  They will stay in-house.  Jim moved to buy 10 and 10 and Wayne amended it to half and half due to Intergroup being low on supplies and review the situation next month. Jim said he will go ahead and write him a check and Ruth will go tomorrow and pick the books up.

Old Business

Pam gave an amends for the same CD containing the agenda items as John did earlier in the meeting.  Kellie said her group is having financial difficulties and asked for suggestions.  Wayne said when it happened to his group they cut out some meetings.  She then said she was referring to a clubhouse and was told that isn’t an AA matter.  The Tennessee State Convention will be held September 4-6.  Registration is $20  They will have speakers and the motel said they would extend the group rate to allow extra days for the Labor Day weekend.  John asked if we want to do the 1st Quarter Assembly in 2011.  Wayne moved to put in a bid.  The motion passed with 1 being opposed.  Wayne said he would talk to the Crowne Plaza. 

The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. 

Submitted with love by

Gina M.

May Birthdays


                                     APRIL      MAY    2009 

BEAN STATION                                 NORTHSTATION

TONY W   22 YRS                             ANDY H   26 YRS



BLOUNT CO GROUP                         TELLICO VILLAGE

PHYLISS   1980   29 YRS                   RON P  05/02/08   1 YR

JOHN F      1983   26 YRS                   BOB C  05/15/05   4 YRS

CHARLEY F   1983   23 YRS

JOHN W   1989   20 YRS

DICK B   1994  15 YRS                        HERE AND YONDER

KEVIN R   2001  8 YRS                       BILLY RAY M   28 YRS 




           PAUL J   4 YRS

           BOYD M   1 YR


           PEGGY J   19 YRS             

Monroe County

Jackie B. 5 yrs

Oak Ridge
George T.   05-18-08   1 yr
Susan S.    05-04-06   3 yrs
Ted R.        05-11-05   4 yrs
Rocky C     05-11-05   4 yrs
Todd K.      05-11-05   4 yrs
Justin G.    05-19-05   4 yrs
John A.      05-01-04   5 yrs
Bill S.        05-03-03    6 yrs
Johnny S. 05-03-03    6 yrs
Ed M.       05-05-92   17 yrs