Old Business
Chairperson for District 64 is trying to arrange link on website for online edition.
*Lee needs more Bridging The Gap fliers.
**Birthday envelopes. Send in a birthday amount to G.S.O.
Go online to get more Bday envelopes. Click on this area to get more. Donation for every year of sobriety that we have.
New Business
*Ben has about 4 hits a day on online newsletter.
**Pete sends out about 63 notices that newsletter is up.
***Price of books is going up on July 1 about $1-2. Groups need to order any AA approved lit now to avoid cost rise.
****Lee suggests we do a percentage mark up. Group decided 10% mark up.
(Recvd By-Laws and will be passing on to Richard B.
*****Lee T. wants "BTG" put in newsletter to attract volunteer help. Need 6mos sobriety to help. 1 year sober to be on committee.
******Hot line is most important thing intergroup does! We need help with this. Pete wants to break the coordinator position into 2 shifts. If you have a shift it is bi-weekly. Contact Pete for all details.
********Hot line needs back-up.
Lots of discussion on how to handle Hot line but no definite solution.
All committees in East TN are to go through DCMs
Birthdays need to be sent into newsletter.
Next meeting May 3 at Rockford