Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chairman's Message

Are you ready to step forward? We have initiated the Bridging The Gap program. Now we are looking for some good people who are willing to add their name to our contact list. This is not a Hot-Line 12 Step list but only a list to be used as it becomes necessary to match people coming out of Rehab (Treatment) Centers. Contact our committee chair persons to offer your service. Lee T. 865-454-1746 or Karen C. 865-233-3453 or 865-591-9516. 

At this time I would like to express the Gratitude of ALL the  A A members of East Tennessee to Doris S. for all her work in coordinating the hot line. Doris has stepped down as of April 12 and has been replaced by Gina M. (on a temporary basis.)
THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU Doris and thank you Gina for stepping forward to fill the gap. Anybody out their who is willing to be the new permanent coordinator please get in touch with me.
Peter O'N.