When you receive this newsletter we will have already started the Holiday Season.
What this means to different people depends on our situations. For some it is a time of being alone, for others it is a time of being with friends, and still others it is time spent with family
and friends.
Whatever your category we must remember that we are members of the Great Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous and we should always remember that.
Remember our PRIMARY PURPOSE is to stay Sober and help other Alcoholics achieve Sobriety. With this in mind ask yourself if you are doing your part.
Are you attending meetings? Are you participating in A. A. or are you just attending meetings?
By participating I refer to my favorite subject SERVICE WORK. What am I involved in? Am I doing things in my Group (chairing meetings, making coffee, being a greeter, or a trusted servant)? Am I active in my District? Intergroup Representative, General Service
Representative? Central Office work am I on the 12 step call list? Do I volunteer answering the Hotline?
Happy Holidays from Your East Tennessee Intergroup