Saturday, November 27, 2010

District 50/51

November 1st, 2010

John B opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer

Gordon read the Traditions

Introductions were done

John W gave the District financial report

Mike gave the Intergroup report. There is a Friday 5PM-10PM and a Momday 5P-10P shift open. Alternates are always welcome.

Assembly Information - The Host Committee needs baskets (and goodies to put in them) and volunteers. Please go back and discuss this with your homegroup. They also need a meal to be provided. John B said there are several groups interested in helping with meals. The Host Committee meets every 3rd Thursday of each month at the Flatiron,6: Gene said Mike (from Vonore) will coordinate Hospitality.

The 2nd Quarter Assembly will be in Murfreesboro. The contact number is 1-866-678-2378. There is no registration code. Rooms are $89/night+tax.

3rd Quarter Assembly will be in Chattanooga, at the Chattanooga Choo Choo July 22-24. The rooms are $92/night+tax.

The 4thQuarter Assembly will be a voting Assembly and will be held in Nashville. All Assembly dates, locations and other information is available at

CPC/PI - Gordon said their Committee meets every Saturday at St John's Cathedral (downtown) at 10 AM.

Still looking for an Archivist.

Corrections - Ken said there are only 3 people left of the Committee. Right now they have the jails covered. The jail meetings are Monday 7-8PM. The Correction Committee meets the first Thursday of each month at the Flatiron, 6:30PM.

Grapevine and Events - Nothing new to report.

No treatment report

New Business - Lynne said the Host Committee would prefer to display basket items so folks can see everything they have won should their number be drawn. Miss Jean donated some baskets. They possibly may display some items and have baskets made up too.

Group News - Nothing new at this time.

District 50/51 needs help. Talk to your sponsees, it's a good way to get involved in Service work.

The next meeting will be December 6th.

Submitted with love by
Gina M.