Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chairman's Message

We are trying to carry out our 5th Tradition. In doing
this we need your help. One of the programs that has
gone by the wayside is the Bridging The Gap Program. 
We are trying to reestablish it. All we needis for a couple of our members to step up and volunteer for the committee working on it. Can't you give 2 hours a month to help us? I hear all these great things at Meetings but i don't see the effort being put forth. Contact me if you can give your time to give back what you were given so freely. You don't have to be a GSR or Inter-group Rep - Just someone who cares.
The State convention will bring together AA'S from all over Area
64 - will you be there? Labor Day Weekend. See your GENERAL SERVICE or INTER-GROUP REPRESENTATIVES for more information.

Have you signed up for our newsletter on-line? If not contact me and I will let you know when it is posted.
Is your Inter-Group Rep carrying the message toyour group? If not WHY?!

Our 7th Tradition tells us that we are self supporting. With this in mind many Groups chose to make Quarterly Contributions to Inter-Group. Has your Group contributed this Quarter? When was your Groups last contribution?
Visit us on line for current
information at
                    Peter O'N.