Friday, July 31, 2009

District 50/51

District 50/51 Representative Meeting
July 6, 2009

John W opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.

Wayne read the Traditions.

Previous minutes read by all. Motion to accept as written. Motion carried.

Jim R gave the District financial report.

Mike gave the Intergroup report. Doris is still Hotline Coordinator and now has a Co-Coordinator. He got some donations and restocked some supplies. He thanked everyone for their contributions. All Hotline shifts are full.

The next Assembly will be at the Clarion Hotel in Murfreesboro. Two proposals to be voted on. The first is to change the service manual to reflect the change of amount forwarded to the Host Committee to $750. Wayne said that is already in effect, it just hasn’t been put into the manual yet.. The second is All Area 64 Conventions to be held over the Labor Day weekend unless approved by the Assembly body. It’s important not to schedule an Area Assembly that will be back to back to an Area Convention.

No CPC/PI report.

Archives – John Mc said he did an interview with Jim R and talked to Tom N about ideas.

Corrections – The have changed their meeting time from 6:30 PM to 7PM. It is still the first Thursday of each month. They are having trouble getting women approved. Female inmates are now housed downtown. The next meeting will be Aug 6 7PM at the Flatiron.

Treatment – Reba has taken over as Chairman. Please contact her with ideas or suggestions. They need speakers, all slots are open. John W. thanked her for stepping up.

Old Business

Area 64 is to host the 2011 Assembly. John A. has the information. John W. has the information about the one that was held here in 2008. Need to review the budget. Wayne moved to present it to the Assembly body. Jim R seconded.

New Business

Wayne said to stay current with the State all groups need to do their elections for GSR in Sept. A motion was made to give the DCM’s the money to go to the Assembly. George said there is a Corrections workshop coming up and will need money to go. Next month we will discuss having a Prudent Reserve and how much it should be. John W asked everyone to take it back to their groups and ask what they think it should be. And about District donating to groups.

$12.00 was collected in the 7th Tradition hat.

There was a motion to adjourn and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted with love by
Gina M.