Tuesday, November 25, 2008

District 50/51

District 50/51 Representative Meeting
November 3, 2008

Pam opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer
Jim M has resigned as Treasurer and Jim R has been elected. He is in the process of switching banks from SunTrust to First Tennessee. He got the figures from John W. He hasn’t deposited any checks yet and won’t until the transition is final. He got the box keys and everything is good to go.
The Forum host Committee will meet this Wednesday (Nov 12) and next Wednesday (Nov 19-the last before the Forum begins) Volunteers are still needed. New York wants 2 people to be there (greeters) when the Forum opens. Patti has stuff for the volunteers. Everyone attending must register.
The next Assembly will be in January in Oak Ridge. They may be low on baskets and Lynne asked for each District to donate baskets.
No CPC report
No PI report
Archives – Not much done yet but working on it.
Gina gave the Intergroup report. All hotline shifts are filled but there may soon be an opening (Friday from 5-10PM)
Corrections – George said lots of volunteers were there with ID cards. AA didn’t have to have them. Todd said driver’s licenses are fine for now. Eventually we will get the ID cards. Corrections needs volunteers. George said he gets a great feeling from doing it. He asked the GSR’s to take it back to their groups. They got hold of the old Treasurer who turned over the funds to Intergroup. The next Corrections Committee meeting will be this Thursday. They also need more Grapevines.
Grapevine – Darlene saw Anson. She asked about the Grapevine and he said he has been busy. When Pam talked to him he said he feels he has done all he can for the Committee.
Darlene asked about the procedure for GSR’s/Alt’s not in active role. Lynne said we ask them if they are still interested in serving.
No old business
New business
Macy suggested we go group by group for events instead of electing a Chair. Pam said this has been done and didn’t work.
Pathfinders Christmas Eat and Speak will be in December (6th) it is on a Saturday and the speaker will be Mike S. It will be at Trinity United Methodist Church. Fun and Fellowship 5:30-6:30 food 6:30-7:30 (they may even dance). Speaker 7:30-8:30. Meats and drinks provided, please bring a covered dish.
Macy said maybe the women’s groups can get together and do something.
Next meeting December 1st. The seventh tradition hat was passed and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted with love by
Gina M.